The Earth

Planet Profile

Average Distance From The Sun: 142 Million Miles

Diameter: 4,220 Miles

Length Of Year: 687 Earth Days

Moons: 2

Length Of A Day: 24 Hours and 37 Minutes

A Astronaut On Mars

Mars rant

The planet that is most like our own. Mars is the planet of discovery the planet of hope for Mars could be the next planet that we as human could revaloutinize. It could give us a opportunity to spread our species and have another plant for all of us to live.

Mars, however, is not like Earth in the means of having a jolly strong air full of oxygen and lots of water or any of hat. For Mars is actually very ow on oxygen and does not contain any water at all. However, it is still a good steping stone on continuing our study of this amazing solar system we live in..


A Life-Like Picture Of The Rover, Curiosity

Mars' Moon

Water On Mars